Color Contrast of Text in Instagram Stories




Check to see if the background color you're using in an Instagram Story provides enough contrast with white or black text. If you're using a color not in this list, make sure it passes WCAG AA requirements for color contrast.



White text: no
Black text: yes


White text: yes
Black text: no

Light Blue

White text: yes if text is large
Black text: yes


White text: no
Black text: yes


White text: no
Black text: yes


White text: no
Black text: yes


White text: yes if text is large
Black text: yes


White text: yes
Black text: yes if text is large


White text: yes
Black text: yes if text is large


White text: yes
Black text: yes if text is large


White text: no
Black text: yes

Light Pink

White text: no
Black text: yes


White text: no
Black text: yes


White text: no
Black text: yes

Light Brown

White text: no
Black text: yes

Medium Brown

White text: yes
Black text: yes if text is large

Dark Brown

White text: yes
Black text: no

Dark Green

White text: yes
Black text: no

Gray 1 (darkest)

White text: yes
Black text: no

Gray 2

White text: yes
Black text: no

Gray 3

White text: yes
Black text: no

Gray 4

White text: yes
Black text: yes if text is large

Gray 5

White text: no
Black text: yes

Gray 6

White text: no
Black text: yes

Gray 7

White text: no
Black text: yes

Gray 8

White text: no
Black text: yes

Gray 9 (lightest)

White text: no
Black text: yes